This project treats the evolution of massive star forming clumps under self-gravity, radiative transfer and non-ideal MHD turbulence. Here we apply this treatment to study the disk formation specifically (see Lebreuilly et al., 2021 for reference paper). The spherical cloud has an initial mass of about $1000 \, \Msun$. A turbulent field is initially set within the cloud. The adaptive mesh refinement scheme is employed to resolve scales up to about ~1 AU. When a density of about $10^{13} \, \textrm{cm}^{-3}$ is reached, a sink particle is introduced. Radiative stellar feedback is treated here and the turbulence is free to decay.
This project provides images of column density, density, temperature and magnetic field. Distribution of mass, density, temperature and magnetic field are given. Disk have been extracted with the disk finder algorithm of (Lebreuilly et al., 2021, the simulations were also presented in this work) and their statistical properties (such as mass, size, magnetic field and temperature) can be obtained. The corresponding statistics are also available. It is possible to query the disk by specifying some requested properties. Finally the full disk data can be extracted and downloaded on demand.